by Mary Gallagher
I am always looking for a better way to be around horses—mine, my clients’, class and clinic participants’. Over many years, I have often heard people comment that they really prefer to just to get on and ride. So often the pressure we put on ourselves to achieve results and ‘get it done’ gets in the way of our relationship with our horse, which is why ground work makes so much sense.
Charlie and his owner having a conversation. |
Ground communication makes going slow okay. It is all about the horse’s story, so going slowly and purposefully allows us to put our agenda aside, and begin to see and understand what the horse is telling us.
When approaching your horse from the ground, spend some time watching him. Really
see him. Don’t be hasty to judge, just give him time to let go of the show. Let him impress you with what he knows. In his exuberance, he will most likely show you all his groovy moves.