Saturday, May 25, 2019

Laminitis - Annual Spring Grass PSA

Look for 'cresty' fat deposits along the top of the neck.
When Audrey posted this to our Wise Horseman Facebook page in May of 2018, we thought of it as a routine heads-up for local horse owners. A year later (at this posting), it has been viewed by close to 45,000 people, and shared almost 450 times! We are glad to help get the word out so friends can help friends avoid grass-induced laminitis in their horses! - MG

Hi Everyone, Audrey here. 

Fat deposit visible above the base of the tail.
This is a quick PSA* to remind everyone to be SUPER careful with the spring grass. Keep an eye on your horse and make sure he’s not exhibiting any of the signs of trouble ahead. The pictures here are of a 20+ year old gelding that is on the verge of laminitis. While he’s not sore yet, his body is giving us some pretty significant signs that he’s in trouble. His neck is cresty and he has large fat deposits above the base of his tail. At this point, this horse should be off the grass completely. 

In this case the owner is good about the horse’s management. However, a well meaning house sitter let him out on the lawn to “mow” the grass. 

Once laminitis takes place it becomes a management nightmare and under the best of circumstances, months to a year or more to get them sound enough to be ridden. 

Ok, that wasn’t as quick as I intended it to be. Sorry!

[posted May 2018, Wise Horseman at Freedom Farm's Facebook page

For more articles on the topic of laminitis, click the 'laminitis' tag on the right side of the blog page! -MG

*Public Service Announcement 

Audrey with Magnum, whose laminitis story is told here.

Audrey Bryant, equine trimmer and life coach.

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