Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lesson Notes: Our Horses, Our Teachers

By Mary Gallagher

Here at Freedom Farm we have the greatest teachers, our horses. Over the years, these great teachers come and go in our lives, but even as the horse passes on, the lessons remain with us.

New Years Message - January 2015

This post was originally our January newsletter, Vol 5 issue 1 (just as the 70-plus posts preceding this one originated in the past years' newsletters). I include it here as the sentiments are still fresh, and this coming year's calendar still forming! -MG

Dear Friends,

Our first issue of 2015 is dedicated to gratitude, acknowledgements, and events to start the New Year.
We look forward to another great year of growth and learning for us all.

Nutrition Supplement Awareness

By Barbara Noble, BS, CRNA

While others are thinking of holidays, my mind is on copper and zinc. The other trace minerals, iron and manganese are generally readily available. In our area (Pacific Northwest) iron is so available as to be an excess problem. Manganese is usually plentiful, and deficiency not a problem. However, copper and zinc are barely present in our soils and consequently are barely present in our pastures and hay.

Bridling Your Horse - Part 3 - Challenges

By Jessica Crouch

Over the last couple of months, we've talked about how to help your horse become more willing to be bridled.  It is not just about forcing a horse to stand and accept a bridle - it is about a series of good habits, communication, and careful attention to the feel you give your horse. Now I'd like to give you a few little challenges to play with. Just how good is your bridling skill? Can you:

Getting Hip to Horsemanship (and Hips)!

By Mary Gallagher

When I have seen photos of my riding position, I am always thinking, 'I need to get my leg under me, more perpendicular to the ground.' But when I adjusted my leg back, it wouldn't stay put!  In more recent photos and videos by Mary Tulin, my leg is right where I want it, but I can't say that I have been consciously working on it. What is up with that? I wondered. Here's what I realized: 

How Horses Shake Their (Dusty) Booties

By Kip Tulin MD

Did you ever see a dog shake water off of his fur after getting wet? How about a horse shaking the dust off after a good roll? I have watched Freedom Farm's horses do so in the arena and wondered, how well does it work?

Feeding Our Easy Keepers

By Mary Gallagher and Barbara Noble, BS, CRNA

When I was growing up, overweight horses were called "easy keepers", but now you hardly ever hear that term; instead, we call them fat, or in some cases, insulin-resistant. It's this group I'm going to discuss here.