Thursday, March 5, 2015

Getting Hip to Horsemanship (and Hips)!

By Mary Gallagher

When I have seen photos of my riding position, I am always thinking, 'I need to get my leg under me, more perpendicular to the ground.' But when I adjusted my leg back, it wouldn't stay put!  In more recent photos and videos by Mary Tulin, my leg is right where I want it, but I can't say that I have been consciously working on it. What is up with that? I wondered. Here's what I realized: 

How Horses Shake Their (Dusty) Booties

By Kip Tulin MD

Did you ever see a dog shake water off of his fur after getting wet? How about a horse shaking the dust off after a good roll? I have watched Freedom Farm's horses do so in the arena and wondered, how well does it work?

Feeding Our Easy Keepers

By Mary Gallagher and Barbara Noble, BS, CRNA

When I was growing up, overweight horses were called "easy keepers", but now you hardly ever hear that term; instead, we call them fat, or in some cases, insulin-resistant. It's this group I'm going to discuss here.

Bridling Your Horse - Part 2

By Jessica Crouch

Last month, we discussed basic prerequisites to bridling your horse, which included physical issues to consider as well as exercises to ensure your horse is trusting and willing to let you handle his head. Now I'd like to share with you my favorite method of bridling.

Lesson Notes: Relationship, Partnership & Leadership

By Mary Gallagher
Horsemanship includes relationship, partnership, and leadership. You, the rider, must hold all three in balance as you and your horse engage with each other. In fact, pausing to reflect on where you and your horse are in these three areas is a great way to check in on your progress in general.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What We Feed Our Horses

By Barbara Noble, BS, CRNA

Barbara Noble is a longtime horse owner and student of equine nutrition who has become a go-to advisor hereabouts on horse feed issues. She advised us on our recent hay analysis (see my article last month), which I found very helpful and clarifying. I hope Barbara will continue to contribute articles on various aspects of horse nutrition as she continues her studies with Dr. Eleanor Kellon, DVM. - MG
Writing for the Freedom Farm newsletter is a new adventure for me, and I plan to share information on horse feeding - and have it be interesting to read! My hope is that you will be able to incorporate some of this information for your horse's benefit.

Bridling Your Horse - Part 1

By Jessica Crouch

You watch enviously as your friend bridles her horse. The horse happily lowers his head, reaches for the bit, holds it softly in his mouth while the bridle is slipped over his ears, and blissfully chews up his little cookie reward. Soon they are off having a pleasant warm-up in the field and you are still on your tip-toes trying to jam a bit through your own horse's teeth. You love your horse, but are quite frustrated with this bridling problem. Why can't he just take the bit nicely?