Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Trailer Loading Preparation: Backing Over a Pole (Part 2)

By Jessica Crouch

Last month we talked about asking your horse to go forward to a particular point. (Step on a plate.)  This laid the groundwork for the communication you will need when you ask your horse to go FORWARD into the trailer. 

This month's exercise will focus on an equally important piece - confidence in backing out of the trailer.  You might think - most horses can get out of a trailer in a hurry - that's not my problem!  But a horse who rushes out of a trailer is generally not confident about unloading, and the problem can gradually escalate to a real issue.  So teach your horse to back in all kinds of situations so they can be confident when asked to back out of a horse trailer.

Exercise:  Back over a pole (about  4" around).

GOAL:  Your horse can confidently walk forwards
over a pole, stop exactly when and with what footfall you ask him to, and then back quietly over it, once again being able to stop when you ask.  

Remember; break it down into small pieces.  Begin by asking your horse to step just one front foot forwards over the pole, wait, then ask him to back that one foot off the pole.

It will probably be best to do this standing in front of your horse, with your hand on the halter for close communication.  Later, you may challenge yourself by standing farther away from your horse as you ask him to move forwards and backwards over the pole.  You might even try asking him to stop halfway over the pole and wait as you walk around him and brush him, pick up his feet, or do something else that might challenge his emotional fitness.

Next month we will add in another exercise to help your horse feel more comfortable going through a narrow door.

(Originally published March 2014)