Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Exercise: Sumo Squats

By Mary Gallagher, with Kenny Hall, fitness trainer
In February's newsletter, we presented Deep Squats, a powerful core and leg strengthening exercise for riders. In that article we focused on the basics and benefits of the exercise, performed with toes up and arms folded, back straight. This month we revisit the deep squat, but push the exercise a bit farther by adding the kettle bell, and calling it the "Sumo Squat".

NOTE: If you have not mastered the basic deep squat, please start with that, or pick a very light kettle bell.
  • Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders, toes pointed slightly out (as if 
sitting on a horse).
  • Hold the kettle bell by its handle, with both hands, palms facing your body.
  • Slowly lower into a squat position keeping the kettle bell centered between your feet and below your belly button.
  • Do not bend at the waist or lean forward any more than needed to maintain your balance on your heels.
  • Slowly rise to a standing position observing any limitations or imbalances. (It can help to have a friend or instructor watch and notice these.)
  • Repeat slowly using the Kettle Bell to guide you as you raise and lower its weight.

Be sure to:
  • Keep your head up, back straight, and your shoulders relaxed back and down.
  • Allow your arms to hang down the center of your body creating a pendulum.
  • To assure proper center of gravity, sit back with your weight on your heels. If you rock forward onto your toes, lift them off the ground, which will shift your weight to your heels.
This exercise is incredibly beneficial for your balance, flexibility and strength as a rider. Core strength is where we meet the horse, and flexibility helps us move with the swing of the horse's back. And both of these enhance our balance and stability in motion. As a side benefit, this exercise helps toe numbness issues, as well as shoulder position.

Kenny and I will continue to collaborate and present core exercises and fitness tips each month. We also welcome folks to join us in either morning fitness class! More details below.
You can reach Kenny at: kenny.anytimefitness@gmail.com

(Originally published May 2014)